Best Solar water heater in India

 Benefits of installing a solar water heater for home

We have lots of sunlight available in most parts of the year. Since its free of cost utilizing the same was the main aim of all world nations. One among them was of solar water heater, utilizing solar energy for heating water. Hykon India is offering the best Solar water heater in India with many advanced features.

What is a solar water heater?

A solar water heater is a device that captures sunlight to heat water. It can be an economical way to generate hot water for your family. It uses Sun’s energy to heat water which is free of cost, unlike conventional methods of heating water with Wood, Electricity, LPG, etc.


Solar water heaters are the most energy-efficient way to heat water and use it for Domestic as well as Industrial and institutional usages. It is an Environmental conscious way to be a promoter of the Green Energy concept.

There are many types of Solar water heaters are available – and the most advanced and energy-efficient type is Solar water heaters using Evacuated Tubes.


Types of Solar Water heaters


Solar water heaters come in a wide variety of designs, all including a collector and storage tank, and all using the sun's thermal energy to heat water. Check out the best solar water heaters.

best solar water heater in Kerala
 The most common types of Solar Water Heaters based on the types of collectors used - are Flat Plate Collectors (FPC) and Evacuated Tube (ETC) collectors.

How does it work?

1. Water from the overhead tank gets filled up in the outer tank & collectors.

2. This water gets heated up at collectors by absorbed heat by 3-layer Evacuated glass tube

3. Since the density of hot water is lesser than cold water hot water moves up to the inner tank.

4. From the inner tank it gets supplied to taps via CPVC pipes that can withstand the high temperature of up to 200°F

Advantages of installing a solar water heater?

There are many advantages of using solar water heaters compared to electric heaters. Let’s discuss a few of them.

1.       Power Savings


First and the most important of all is electricity savings consumer gets on using solar water heaters. It consumes nil electricity & works fully on renewable energy. An electric heater is of 3kw capacity & consumes 3 units of power whenever we work it. No doubt that it’s a money saver. A small workout on savings while using a 100-liter capacity solar water heater is given below







Northern region

Eastern region

Southern region

Western region

Estimated no of days of use of hot water per year

200 days

200 days

300 days

250 days

Expected yearly electricity saving on full use of solar hot water (units of electricity)





Monetary savings at different prices of electricity Rs/year

Rs 4/kwh





Rs 5/kwh





Rs 6/kwh






2.       Can be used for varying water hardness


Water hardness is a key factor that determines the selection of solar water heaters. There are

basically 2 types of solar water heater tanks are available in the market. Solar water heater price mainly depends on one this selection of tanks. One is Stainless steel tanks & the other is polymer tanks. These tanks are from the inner tank.

       Coastal areas and water from pipelines mostly have high hardness levels. Pure well water usually has a lower hardness level compared to others. Water hardness is usually measured in unit PPM (Parts per million).

       For PPM up to 600 PPM, Stainless steel tank can be used since it won't corrode the tank material that much. Above that polymer, inner tanks are preferable to avoid corrosion of the tank.

Best Solar water heater in india-hykon india


3.    Retains hot water for a long time

Hot Water is stored in the inner tank. This is covered by a layer of Insulation, usually PUF, and then the final layer of a PPGI/SS/Aluminium outer cladding to cover the insulation. These layers of insulation are often 60-70mm thick, which can hold the heat within the water for 4-5 days.

          This makes it possible for using this for areas with long periods of rainfall & also areas where the climate is cold most times.

4.    Pressurized water requirements are met

These are homes/ hotels where pressurized systems are used for water circulation. For this application we can make use of pressurized solar water heaters that can hold pressure upto 10 bar. Usually, double-layered tank will be used in such case in pressurized solar water heaters.


5.         Less maintenance


       Solar water heaters usually require less maintenance. In 3-4 months, we need to just clean the collector tubes to make it free of dust. Usually, these heaters have good life period of about 10 years. This is much cheaper than owning an electric water heater or gas geyser which have comparable life spans but with increased operating costs during their lifetime.


6.       What afterlife gets over

All parts of solar water heater are easily replaceable. Most tanks and collector tubes are easily available in the market. So need not go for a new system. 


                We can easily choose a solar water heater since its operation cost is nil well as hot water is available throughout the year. Thus we can conclude that Solar water heating systems offer significant benefits over conventional electric and gas water heaters.

You can visit our website to get the best solar water heater. We believe in continuous improvement with customer satisfaction. Click here to check our products...
















